Looking to compare hotels in Peterborough but don’t have the time to check everyones prices. save yourself the hassle, we have checked out the most popular 3 and 4 star hotels in the city to save you time. Have a look at the table below which gives you a great guide as to what each one offers and most importantly will cost. Then you decide who is the best value hotel in Peterborough.
We have compared the Queensgate Hotel in Peterborough with The Park Inn Peterborough, Holiday Inn Peterborough, Dragonfly Hotel (formerly Ramada) Peterborough, Premier Inn Peterborough and the Best Western Orton Hall in Peterborough. All the rates quoted are from the hotels’ own website and are based on a room only stay (unless breakfast is included in the room rate) and are for a typical mid-week stay in Jul 2015.
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* source www.theaa.com
** source www.laterooms.com
We genuinely believe this information to be accurate. If, however, you have spotted a mistake then please email us at mkt@thequeensgatehotel.co.uk and we will correct it.